Welcome To Shepherd’s Shadow Charitable Trust
Shepherd’s Shadow Charitable Trust is a Public Charitable organization started on 5th January 2014 to support the poor, needy, sick, isolated and condemned in this society irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It is a humanitarian organization to give hope to the people is difficult situations by supporting them in the aspects of education and social.
Legal status of the organization: Shepherd’s Shadow Charitable Trust is registered under the section 12AA & 80G of the Income Tax act and FCRA
Board of Trustees

Mr. Amirson Jacob, BSc (Nursing), MSc (Psychology), MFM
Managing Trustee/ Chairman

Mrs. Esther Jacob, MSc (Nursing)
Secretary/ Trustee

Mr. S.James Daniel, MA, MED

Mr. Amirson Jacob, BSc (Nursing), MSc (Psychology), MFM
Managing Trustee/ Chairman

Mrs. Esther Jacob, MSc (Nursing)
Secretary/ Trustee

Mr. S.James Daniel, MA, MED
Our Services

Elderly support
Elderly support is provided for old aged people’s sustenance who are economically weak, neglected by the family and for those who are sick.

Support for Widows
Widows are supported for their sustenance and supports are provided to place them in jobs and also to attain a secure and socially just living environment.

Counselling services
Counselling services are rendered to induvial and families in stress due to various situations like sudden loss of family members, chronic medical conditions, broken families, suicidal thoughts, loss of jobs, addictions and depression.

Livelihood programmes
Livelihood programmes like trolly shops, sewing units are provided to help the poor and needy families to sustain their economic status.
Our Recent Works